Fact  - There's a 73% drop in standard of living for most divorcee women

Fact  - The average women get 1/3 of the Pension Pot

Fact  -  More women are likely to suffer mental health issues

Leave these statistics behind and join the new rich divorcee of financial prouesse and knowhow, gaining  21st century skill sets to provide solo for her children. HOW? Get your book and information straight (click on image below-she's waiting :) )

Hi my name is Cat Payen and yes I did go from the desperate divorcee to the thriving fempreneur. This is why I have developed a course for you to follow…

In those early days of separation, it was complete hell, and as if that is not bad enough the finances came to a grinding halt. He's a tradesman (plumber) and went through 'I am so sad I cannot work phase....' so there was nothing to do except live off the money some friend had kindly lent me.  I moved to a new town, with no money and no friends. I was turned away from the 'épicerie sociale' where food is a penny a dozen but I had no pennies and thought it was free - I had to put the food back and the lady at the cash till said 'Ok keep the litre of milk and the easter eggs for the children'....  I also recall the heartbreaking first Christmas without the children...
I'll stop there - just to give you a gist of the I KNOW I'VE BEEN THERE SCENARIO and
if you are at the beginning of your journey - good.  Allow me to do the heavy lifting for you ;)
Let's get back to you - YOU are the star of this show madame <3

  • You want to get over him and the divorce;
  • You want to have better things to do with your time rather than worry about milk money;
  • You totally want to have spending money;
  • You want to keep your status of stay at home Mum - especially as the kids now need you more than ever before;
  • You totally do not want to be away from the house 12 hours a day;
  • Work for some unknown person (a boss) rather than educate your children????
  • And all for rent and bread money - no luxury items for miles?!
  • Nope didn’t think so :D

So let's dive right in and I'll tell you what it's all about...

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • About the Course and Guidelines :)

  • 2

    Module 0

    • Everybody Dance Now

    • Start from where you are here and now.

  • 3

    Module 1. Finances hello, introducing Money, dosh, fluze...

    • 1.1 Money WorkBook

    • 1.11 Money Workbook helpers

  • 4

    Module 2. SELF

    • 2.0 SELF ESTEEM

    • 2.1 Self Mastery

    • 2.11 - 6 phase meditation explained

    • 2.2 Self Mastery Level 2.0

    • How are you progressing so far?

    • 2.3 Self Worth

    • 2.4 Self Preservation

    • 2.5 Self Welcome

    • 2.6 Self 2 Self Realisation

  • 5

    Module 3 Tools of the 21st Century

    • 3.1 Understanding the Internet Era, Market... 101

    • 3.2 Marketing 102 Diving In

What others have been saying about this course:

The time is now, right now!       Do not wait another minute,

Don't make all the same mistakes as me! Once you get in the game then it takes no time at all, dream big - within 3 years I bought my dream car, and the next item is a house in Sussex... What's on your dream list?

If you get to the stage I am now in less time, wow you just saved some years on your life and thus more time to gain and  then life is so grand, amazing fantasmagorical really :) Come invest in yourself and see... And anyhow there is the 30 day money back guarantee so hit the button and get signed up!

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